Help maintain EV support in Georgia
Hope for EV support in Georgia is not lost. Earlier this session, UCS supported a bill that would have broadened the state EV tax credit to cover plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, like the Chevy Volt, and gradually phase the credit out over the next 5 years. The conference committee tasked with combining the differing versions of the transportation bill that passed out of each chamber in the Georgia legislature could include similar language in the final version of the transportation bill. But these members need to hear from constituents that continued support for EVs in Georgia matters to Georgia drivers.
If you happen to live in the jurisdiction of any of the below members, or reside in Georgia, reach out and let them know why continued policy support for EVs is essential. You can also pen LTEs to your local media outlet, or post some of our facts on EVs on your favorite social media networks. Let your voice be heard and stay tuned for updates on the fight to support EVs in Georgia.
Are you paying the correct tax for your vehicle?